Re:Verse passage – Mark 1:36-45 (day four)
The leper was humble…he did not demand that Jesus heal him, he asked. “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” He did not exhibit obedience when Jesus told him ‘to tell no one’, but he did demonstrate enthusiasm and thoroughness. He was so excited when he was healed, he told everyone…to the point that Jesus could no longer enter a city.
Our Re:Verse says “they were coming to Him from everywhere.” When you have something people need, your location does not matter…they will find you. The leper’s enthusiastic witness let everyone know the power of Jesus.
3 Questions: 1) Is your witness for Jesus enthusiastic enough that everyone around knows about Him? 2) Does your church demonstrate the power of Christ so that people want to know more about Him? 3) Will you commit in the coming year to live your life for Christ so that everyone will know Christ? Like the leper, we can impact our city and region for Christ!
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