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Re:Verse passage – Philippians 3:17-21 (day six)

Let’s be honest, we squirm just a little, maybe a lot, when Paul encourages the Philippians to “imitate me.” It comes off smug and self righteous, but Paul does what we are reluctant to do. Paul’s “imitate me” is discipleship. He doesn’t just teach them, but he invites them to look into his life and do what he does. And not out of a sense of self-righteousness, quite the opposite. Paul’s invitation allows them to see how he responds to sin, temptation, and suffering; all the areas when his life is not perfect (3:13-14).

Paul’s call to imitate me sounds like someone else doesn’t it?

Jesus. Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Discipleship.

Is there someone in your life you can disciple in this way? Or do you have a Paul?

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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