Above All

Re:Verse passage – Philippians 1:27-30 (day six)

Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven…Philippians 1:27a

In a world increasingly divided into tribes (i.e. conservative or progressive), each brandishing their own weapons of war sharpened by deep-seated arrogance and loathing, Paul calls us into something otherworldly.

Faith and joy in Jesus binds us to a new kind of tribe, with a new set of weapons to advance a different mission. Arrogance and loathing are replaced with the two-edged sword of humility and grace, with mercy, and kindness rounding out the arsenal. The fruit of this heavenly tribe’s tactics isn’t death and annihilation, but new life and unity.

You see, you can always distinguish the tribe by the weapons they carry.

So, above all, live as citizens of heaven (aliens and exiles), soldiers in the Gospel tribe.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Above All”

  1. “Arrogance and loathing are replaced with the two-edged sword of humility and grace, with mercy, and kindness rounding out the arsenal.” Very well put!
    I’m not much for talking about Christian living in terms of battle and warfare. I fully understand the use of it in the letters and in the teachings and preaching in the churches. It’s just that the Christian posture is in my opinion one of simply standing firm. Do not compromise. Do not yield to half truths. Do not give in to the world’s mindset. But it also doesn’t mean you necessarily have to “speak out” and get yourself hung before your message is ever heard. “Speaking out” as has been prevalent in the news this past year does not communicate the love of Christ. Sharing the Good News of Salvation with its profound details does.

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