Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 4:25-32 (day two)
Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, vs. 26
Time for confession. How many of you have the second part of verse 26 memorized, but did not know the first part? Both parts of this verse work well together, and the following verse is a caution when this advice is not followed. Unhealthy, un-dealt with anger is an invitation for the deceiver to work sin into your heart.
Be angry – that doesn’t seem like something you would read in the New Testament. We particularly struggle with this verse because we see so little application of what it says. In 2020 anger invariably means sin. It manifests in violence, abuse, neglect, inappropriate language. As a society we do not process these feelings in a healthy biblical manner. If we recognize injustice, or unrighteousness, or sin around us we have cause to feel angry. It is what happens next that we, as believers, must not look like our society. Paul offers solutions, forgive and remember your forgiveness, don’t speak words that will escalate the problem, show grace where possible.
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