It Will Never Fly!

Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:5-11 (day four)

I worked for a summer at DFW Airport for Eastern Airlines.  I never tired of watching the planes take off.  Working on the baggage crew, I knew how much weight we loaded on the planes.  Add to that the fuel, the passengers and the actual weight of the aircraft…there was significant weight to lift.  Every time I would watch a jumbo 747 lumber down the runway, I would say, “It will never fly!”  Gravity was always at work but the thrust of the engines was a greater force…it always lifted off.  (Thanks to Dr. Wayne Barber for the analogy.)

The law of sin is always at work in our lives.  It can seem to be overwhelming and strong at times.  When we are in Christ, the Holy Spirit is a greater force in our lives than the gravity of sin.  The Holy Spirit supersedes the power of sin and death.  No longer are we confined by the law of sin, but, in Christ, we live for eternity under the power of a new law…the law of the Spirit.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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