Good News

Re:Verse passage – John 1:29-34 (day five). “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
These days, people don’t need to be convinced that the world is broken. We see it in the news. Something is wrong. We feel it in our souls. Something is wrong with us (humanity). The scripture continually points to sin as the root and cause of it all. We all have sinned. That is why we all feel the weight and burden of the broken world. That is why we don’t love and care for one another as we should. That is why we can name a thousand things that are wrong with us and the world. But there is good news!! God knows how big and how destructive sin is. That is why Jesus came. Look at the scope of Jesus mission- the sins of THE WORLD. All of it- the habits, hatred, failures, wickedness, idolatry, and selfishness. Jesus came to take it away through repentance and forgiveness.
Anyone want that today? Anyone need that today? Thank God for this good news!!

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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