Re:Verse passage – Mark 1:1-8 (day four)
All through Scripture, God used men and women who were people of no worldly status to accomplish His work. Moses was a fugitive; King Saul was the least of his tribe; King David was a lowly shepherd boy; Esther was an orphan; and Daniel was a refugee slave. God chose each of these and more to serve Him and complete His plan.
John the Baptist had no rank or title…he said himself that he was not even worthy to untie the sandal thong on Jesus’ feet. Yet John, whose ministry only lasted maybe six months, was said to be greater than any before him, by Jesus himself. John was the very first to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He believed in Jesus and preached His coming before anyone else. He proclaimed the exclusive breaking news. God had a plan for his life!
What about you? What does God have planned for you? Is it some grand assignment to lead a nation or proclaim the coming of God’s judgment? Or, is it to touch one life for Christ? There are no small assignments in God’s plan. To be chosen by the God of all the Universe to play any role in His plan is huge. Even though we may be weak and small, His Holy Spirit will enable us to do greater things than John the Baptist!
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