Re:Verse passage – Mark 1:1-8 (day two) And he was preaching, and saying, “After me One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to stoop down and untie the thong of His sandals. Vs. 7
Professional baseball may be on hiatus, but I couldn’t help thinking of a type of pitcher that John the Baptist could relate well to. The Setup man. If you aren’t familiar with baseball there are eight position players and then the pitcher, but all teams carry specialists. Lefties, righties, knuckleballers, flame throwers, and then you have the roles they play. Most people are familiar with the starters and the closers, but the setup man is an often under-celebrated role. He won’t figure in to the win, he won’t get the save. His job is to take the team from the starter to the closer without giving up runs.
John knew this wasn’t his story to tell. His role in this grand tapestry was to prepare for the one who would redeem us all. John understood that fame and notoriety were completely unnecessary for this coming king. Repentance- this is what he preached. People heard, they were being prepared, and then came the Christ. Don’t downplay your part in this story. God has an assignment for you. It’s not to bring you glory, but to prepare for the continuing work of God.
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