
Re:Verse passage – Matthew 14:22-33 (day three)

Lord, if it is You, command me to come to you on the water.”

Peter’s insistence on getting a positive ID on the Lord gave rise to his willingness to involve himself in a heretofore unthinkable endeavor. He reasoned that if this person could lead him to do the otherwise impossible, he would know the person was the Lord. It’s hard to walk on water, but Christ guided Peter to do it. It’s hard to forgive someone seventy-seven times, but Christ taught Peter to do it. It’s hard to leave the comfort of your own kind and bring others into the fellowship, but Christ enlightened Peter’s heart. It’s hard to value anything more than your own life, but Christ mentored Peter into such fearlessness. When you insist on discovering if it’s really God you’re seeing, that’s what happens.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

One thought on “Discover”

  1. I have been wondering this week why Peter asked the Lord to command him to come. Seems like a weird test at first. But I like what you said – “He reasoned if this person could lead him to do the otherwise impossible, he would know…” Peter’s view of God was so high and God is so awesome that only doing the impossible, like causing one of them to also walk, would really let you know it was Him in this case.

    And it was that important for Peter to know that he risked everything. May we all insist on knowing and walking with the Lord!

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