Re:Verse passage – Matthew 9:18-19; 23-26 (day five)
But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.” At once the woman was made well.
Jesus teaches an amazing lesson in this text. Faith overcomes fear. Fear is still there, it just doesn’t have the priority and influence over her heart and desire to “get near and touch Jesus”. It’s all through scripture. God constantly reminds His faith-filled followers to be brave, be strong, have courage, do not fear. When fear overtakes faith, to God it looks like we don’t trust Him.
“To turn from him out of fear… is to discount all that God promises to be for those who fear him. It is a great insult. And in such an insult God can take no pleasure. On the other hand, when we hear God’s promises and trust him with courage… then he is greatly honored. And in that he has much pleasure. – John Piper
When we look and think of the present and future through the lens of the gospel, we are reminded of God’s love, power, and faithfulness. Then faith rightly overcomes fear and God is pleased. Strengthen your faith today- Look, listen, and think through the lens of the Gospel- God’s promises and power.
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Faith as a topic has been a part of my dialogue with reality for a long time. I fully agree with all Scott’s assessment. However, I must add a couple of things. Many who walked by faith were martyred along the way. Good Christians have died on the operating table. Strong believers, such as a newly ordained deacon of ours a few years ago, have suddenly been snuffed out by accidents such as car accidents. This humble journey to God’s thrown is really the main goal in all our lives. What happens after that can conclude in many ways. It is ours to keep growing in our faith, nurturing that relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. As I realize all these things above, that God does not heal or rescue in every case, I find myself in wonder of all the prayers He has answered of mine, all the “rescues” He has accomplished in my life! This is a wondrous adventure!