Re:Verse passage – Colossians 1:1-8 (day four)
We begin a new study this week…Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae. Paul was an excellent letter writer and true to his form, he begins his letter with an introduction. Colossians was possibly Paul’s first prison letter. It was especially important for Paul to introduce himself to these believers in Colossae. Paul did not found this church and had likely never visited it. Since he was writing to both encourage the believers and offer warnings against false theology, Paul felt the need to establish his call and authority, so the church would give heed to his words. His reputation likely preceded him since Philemon and Onesimus were from Colossae.
Paul’s reputation spoke of the integrity of his message. His lifestyle matched the words of his preaching. If you were to share Christ with someone, would your life give testimony to the truth of your words? The Gospel must be lived out as well as spoken.
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So good to have you back Larry. I’ve always enjoyed your messages in the everyday prayer. I learn from you. Thank you, Lucy Myers
I agree – ‘totally glad you’re back & I’ve missed your posts.