Re:Verse passage – John 19:1-30 (day two)
Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” 18:38
For today’s post I backed up a few verses in this Passion narrative to talk about one of the most chilling and prescient verses in this story. Pilate’s question to Jesus sounds like it could have come straight from a Twitter feed this morning. Although not new, this concept of “finding your own truth” has gained much traction over the past two years. It sounds so affirming, doesn’t it? Find what works for you and go that direction. What happens when your truth collides with the person right next to you? What about if your truth changes based on age or perspective? Are we all universally leading lives that have no unifying truth to them? NO! When we become morally bankrupt and seeking only “truth for the moment” we end up standing beside Pilate pushing the redeemer of the world towards the cross. If there is a truth for Jesus, there must be the same truth for me. And if for me, for you, and for the world. Frankly, it is too exhausting trying to keep up with my own truth and everyone else’s as well. I would rather have Jesus.
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Well said!
The world is in chaos because everyone has his or her own truth and goes his or her separate way for his or her own glory. Maybe that is the reason that Jesus gave everyone an advanced warning when He said, “I am the truth, the way and the life…..”
Whom do we trust and believe to lead our life will determine our path for final destination. Have a Blessed day from Washington DC!