What Source?

Re:Verse reading–John 3:1-21 (day four)

It is probably the best known verse in the Bible…John 3:16.  Many of us memorized it as a child and have repeated it many times since.  John 3:16 is such a simple verse, yet it contains the very essence of the gospel.  It was out of God’s vast love that salvation was offered to us…not because of any merit or deed that man had done.  It is a gift of grace.  God loves us…how can we not return that love?

What is our motivation when we do a good deed?  Is it out of an obligation or strict obedience to a command?  Is it out of an ulterior motive for personal gain?  Following God’s example, we can be guided by love.  By spending extended time with God…by reading His Word daily…and through time invested in prayer, we can know the heart of God…a heart of love! His love is (or should be) the only genuine motivator in our lives.   Let God’s overflowing love direct your every path.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “What Source?”

  1. Good deeds should be done with intention, not for attention, not for tax deductions as the ultimate goal. When we truly follow Jesus, we want to act like Him.

    I am reminded of the following quote of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” It is true that each of us can do small things with great love as followers of Christ. It should be the goal!!

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