Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 1:18-25 (day one)
“For the word of the cross is for those who are perishing foolishness.”–v 18.
Our national pastime. One of them. Every 4 years we sit in front of TVs or tablets, waiting for election results. “Based on the exit polls and early results, CNN is able to project _____________as the winner of the state of ___________.”
A metaphor of Paul’s perspective in 1 Cor. 1. The results are in. And rather than a mixed map, some states blue, others red, the Roman vote map was all one color. They were united. The word of the cross is crazy-talk. Nonsense!
Certainly makes us a minority. Vocal and unashamed advocates of a truth that lives in raw adversarial tension with the world. We know by faith and experience that ONLY the message of the cross (sin, Savior, substitution, faith, Spirit) has power to reconcile humans to God.
Ok, we may lose every election. Can we still win the world?
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