It Works!

Re:Verse reading–Mark 9:14-29 (day four) 

Jesus was known as ‘Rabbi’…a teacher.  He would often sit before His followers and teach them.  He would not always be with them and they needed to know how to lead His church when He was gone.

The Transfiguration had been impressive to the disciples that accompanied Jesus.  They thought it was a good idea to prolong the experience.  Immediately on their return, they are confronted with a need bigger than them.  Jesus sought to teach them how to respond to the vast needs of the church.  When confronted with the demon-possessed boy, the disciples were baffled.  They tried to heal the boy themselves, but they did not have the power.  Jesus (in verse 29) gave them the lesson.  “This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.”

Are there any ‘demon-possessed boys’ in your life…the seemingly impossible?  Have you tried to meet that need in your own power?  Have you tried in your self-sufficiency to come up with the answer?  Prayer works for us too!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “It Works!”

  1. Jesus is a visionary. He was setting a succession planning so His salvation mission would continue on earth after his mission on earth was finished.

    Great leaders must have a vision and must have a succession plan in place to continue the mission and the legacy. With God helps, everything is possible.

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