Conditions apply

Re:Verse reading–Mark 9:14-29 (day one) “

O’Why could we not cast it (an evil spirit) out?’ He said to them, ‘This kind can come out only through prayer.’ “–Mark 9:28-29

“Ask of ME is the one condition God puts in the advance and triumph of His cause.”–E. M. Bounds.

“The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.”–E. M. Bounds.

A forgotten reality in an everyone-gets-a-trophy age.  Sincere belief does NOT guarantee  certain measures and expressions of His power will be present in every church or Christian.  Certain conditions apply.  The first and greatest is prayer.

Mark 9 is the reminder.  The struggle in heavenly realms is more real than we imagine. The power of darkness is deep and resilient.  Human strength and effort snaps like a twig against such a foe.

If breakthrough is needed (and it is) the power of God is required.  God’s condition for our access to liberating power is prayer.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Conditions apply”

  1. Thanks for the reminder! I am convinced, “If breakthrough is needed (and it is) the power of God is required. God’s condition for our access to liberating power is prayer.”

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