Re:Verse reading–Daniel 6 (day six)
As I write this, Anna and I are wrapping up a few days of respite in the Hill Country (that’s the reason for the delayed posting). It was needed. Getting away, waking up in the morning to deer in the field in front of you, with hills rolling in distance, reading God’s Word, prayer, all of it has been refreshing to our souls. Daniel’s respite was his upper chamber in his house with the windows opened facing Jerusalem; there he would pray three times a day. When he faced new pressures from the state, he would go pray. When he faced jealous colleagues, he would go pray in his upper chamber. When his day was easy, he would go pray. Prayer was his respite on good and bad days; it was a part of his everyday rhythm.
You don’t have to go to the Hill Country for respite, but you need it daily like Daniel. Where you do you go pray? Where do you go to refresh your soul when the pressures mount? Find a time and a place; go pray. Your soul needs it.
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Thank you for the beautiful picture you created reminding me of the retreat I need to make for myself daily. No matter where I am I can draw near to our Savior and refresh.