Seek the welfare of the city,…for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jeremiah 29:7
“Love your neighbor as your self.”-Jesus
It does us good to do good to others. Is that okay to say out loud? Should we be motivated to do good to others because it is a good return on our investment? According to Jesus, yes. It’s okay to seek your own welfare while pursuing the welfare of others. That’s how God’s economy works. Jesus even said, “it’s more blessed to give than to receive.” Clearly, he inspires us to give sacrificially to others by offering us greater blessing.
Now, this is true in two ways. The first is obvious, when you invest in the welfare of others, overtime it can only bring great benefit to you; giving begets giving (and thus receiving). The second is a greater blessing, when we give or seek the welfare of others we point others to the greater benefactor-God. We give because God gives, in fact no one can out give Him. So, when we give we glorify God, and that is a superior blessing.
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