Re:Verse reading–Jeremiah 29:1-14 (day two)
Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.’ Vs. 7
I write this post in Seattle, Washington at the beginning of the week as the Chapel Singers begin their week of service with the Seattle Union Gospel Mission. This organization seeks to engage the enormous plight of homelessness in the city by meeting physical needs and addressing their spiritual condition. We are called to engage, to help, to care for these people. Their welfare is our welfare. Will you pray for these young people as they expand their hearts this week? Please pray that God will continue to stretch them for continued service throughout their walk.
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As I reflected on the Monday and Tuesday’s blog, it became clear to me that we neither cease to do good to all those around us now, nor becoming so friendly with our world that we find ourselves enemies of God.
Praying for the welfare of those in all areas where God’s mission is being carried out!