God’s Saints. God’s City.

Re:Verse reading–Jeremiah 29:1-14 (day one) 

“When Babylon’s seventy years are completed, I will visit you and will fulfill my promise to you.”–v 10

Two parallel stories merged in Babylon in 586 BC.  Two nations.  Both groups known to God.  Both groups dealt with in great fairness, even if on separate paths.

God gave Babylon seventy years to repent.  To hear the gospel.  To turn from idolatry.  Many (some) did.  It was a window of grace and opportunity.

The exiles from Israel were under God’s discipline. ( Please see Hebrews 12:5-13.  It is one of the reasons that we still fear God, and should!)  For a time, they are commanded to live in Babylon and be “lights for the Gentiles”.

How wise God is to work together two stories for the purpose of grace!

Consider, please.  The way that God is currently working in your life may be much about lost people around you.  He is writing more than one story, here.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “God’s Saints. God’s City.”

  1. In general, 70 years of punishment for disobedience of God’s laws is harsh. It could take two to three generations to pay off that harsh punishment for refusing to obey God’s commands. Fear God!

    This blog reminds me of the return of Jesus. Can anyone share what must yet occur prior to the return of Jesus Christ to this earth? And most importantly, does anyone know exactly what God expects of you so a harsh punishment could be minimized, if not completely avoided?

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