Never Alone

Re:Verse reading—Psalm 23 (day six) 

There is a lot of goodness in Psalm 23. God’s provision, His care and help are dear truths, among several others. More than these, or their summary, David is reminding us that we are not alone. Not in the abstract way at all, but real and close; although at times with our deadened senses, He can be hard to see or hear. But He is there all along. And like a good friend, he listens rather than interjects, nor makes attempts at quick fixes. Every so often, without even a word, he reminds us, I’m bigger than this scary moment. I can carry it. My son already has.

In the world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. –Jesus

I will never leave you or forsake you. –Jesus

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Never Alone”

  1. We can learn a great deal from the sheep and shepherd analogy.

    The benefits of a God-led life are beyond any measures. The shepherd is the provider and protector of his flock. The sheep are helpless without him. Similarly, humans will go astray without God in our lives. We will get lost, be confused like sheep and live a life without purposes and directions.

    I am confident that we would lack nothing if we live a God’s led life. Peace, joy and comfort definitely are essential life elements. Our life journey will be more stable and less chaos. We will be under His care and protection all the way to eternity for sure! It is true that we will never be alone. We have our protector, our Shepherd God!

    Have a Blessed Saturday to all!

  2. The Shepherd is ready and willing to tend his sheep.
    God understands the fallen world we live and He is
    there to help us along. He is a loving, compassionate,
    understanding, and loving Shepherd. He is all we
    need today

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