Look to the Shepherd

Re:Verse reading—Psalm 23 (day four)

Sheep depend on their shepherd to provide rest…protection…provision…comfort…direction… goodness…and lovingkindness.  Everything that they need is provided by the shepherd.  The same is true for us…our Shepherd, Jesus, provides for our every need.  Why then, do we seek other sources for our needs?  Why do we seek what the world has to offer, when Jesus will abundantly provide?  We take elaborate steps to ‘do it our self.’  It is pride!  We think we can do it without help from anyone when, in fact, we are completely dependent on others for everything.

When we humble ourselves before God and, in faith, trust in Jesus, we find rich and lasting provision.  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…what more could we ask for?  Are you looking for guidance, provision, protection, or comfort?  Look to the Shepherd!

“Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.”  (1 Peter 5:6)

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Look to the Shepherd”

  1. We, human beings, are spiritually blind and lost in our sin and can be easily led astray by others to our own destruction. We tend to be like sheep, consumed with worry and fear, following after one another. Like sheep, we, too, need a shepherd. The shepherd cares for the sheep because he loves them and wants to maintain his own good reputation as a loyal and faithful shepherd. Jesus is the good shepherd.

    The shepherd meets the sheep’s every need, such as food, water, rest, safety, and direction. When we follow our Shepherd Jesus, we, too, know that we can be assured that all of our needs will be met. We will not lack the necessities of life. I am convinced.

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