Re:Verse reading— 1 Samuel 20:1-17, 30-42 (day four)
He does it again…Saul has his spear and he puts another hole in his wall! Here he is telling Jonathan of his concern about Jonathan succeeding him on the throne and he hurls a spear at his own son to pin him to the wall. Who is Saul really trying to protect here? Saul is so full of selfish pride that he is blinded to his own sinful behavior.
Is there a sin in your life that is a blind spot to you? David wrote about these hidden sins. In Psalm 19:12-13, he asks God to keep him from hidden faults and presumptuous sins. In our lives, God does that through the work of the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 139:23-24, David again asks God to search his heart and find the bad stuff. The work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification is a great blessing. For Saul, God had removed His Spirit. For us, we have the promise of His everlasting presence.
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God is righteous and has no fallen nature; humans have fallen nature. Because we are humans and have fallen nature, we cannot always see our own problems or our own spiritual blind spots. A blind spot is defined as an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality. When we have a blind spot, we just can’t see with our own eyes how, where and why we are wrong. Sometimes it may be hard enough for us, humans, to recognize and admit the problems we can see. Humans are self-righteous; and self-righteousness and self-pride prevent us from admitting our own weaknesses, mistakes or admitting our own spiritual sins.
I believe we all have blind spots because of humans’ fallen nature, self-pride and self-righteousness. So how do we go about overcoming those blind spots that we cannot see?
Phuong Callaway’s insights: To overcome spiritual blind spots, we must choose to live in the light. This means we are regularly spending time in prayer, in God’s word, and in fellowship with other Christians.
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Living in God’s light is helpful as it keeps us away from committing spiritual sins or darkness. If we follow Jesus Christ, we will come to know the truth and act on this truth by incorporating it into our daily lives and by doing the right thing. I am convinced that acting on truth will remove our blind spots and will help us see reality.
What have you done for overcoming blind spots in your personal life, family life, professional life, social life and spiritual life? Do you strive for spiritual life and work life integration? Do you think self-righteousness and self-pride are contributing factors to blind spots?