
Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 7 (day three) 

“Do not stop crying out to the Lord our God for us.” 

Samuel stood in a place of agency on behalf of the Lord and in behalf of the people.  This is the essence of priesthood.  When people are weak, they seek out another who is stronger.  In the fellowship of disciples of Jesus Christ, we will each take our turn in the weak seat.  And we become like priests for one another, announcing God’s provision, proclaiming God’s forgiveness, telling the truth when it’s hard, pointing out his presence.  When one who is weak approaches you for help in seeking God, will you rise to the occasion?

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

3 thoughts on “Priest”

  1. This blog highlights the important role of being a mentor. Not everyone can play a role of a mentor, and not everyone can work well together in a mentor-mentee relationship. However, when there is a good match between the two, everyone will benefit from learning and supporting together.

    Many of us may have played a role of a mentor or a mentee at the personal or professional level either formally or informally. Whether the relationship is deemed formal or informal, the goal of mentoring is to provide guidance and career and personal advice with the aim for professional and personal enrichment. I view a mentoring relationship as helping and supporting others/mentees to maximize their learning, maximize professional potential, develop their skills, build confidence and self-awareness, and help the mentees become who they want to be.

    I have served as mentor for many and have played a role of a mentee in my Federal government career and in my walk with Christ. There are mutual benefits for both mentors and mentees when there is a right match for the participants!

    There are many reasons why being a mentor is valuable to the other person. Please read the following:

    Nine Reasons Why Mentoring Matters!

    4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Mentor-Mentee Relationship |

    My walk with Christ has grown over the years due to this wonderful mentoring-menteering relationship. The Gospel of Christ will be strengthened by this relationship. I encourage everyone to engage in this mentoring-relationship journey whether the path is for Christ, personal or for a career!

  2. We will each take our turn in the weak seat ——we become like priests for one another. I loved your blog so much today. Spot on. Thank you Bryan.

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