Re:Verse reading–Luke 7:36-50 (day seven)
If you were given the opportunity to invite anyone from history to a dinner party who would you invite? Jesus, of course, George Washington, King Tutankhamun might be fun, and famed musician Bryan Richardson would round out the table nicely. Once we got past the language barrier it would be incredible to hear what they think of the world today.
The most important response wouldn’t come from one of them though, it would come from you. How are you going to treat Jesus? The Pharisee from this week’s text treats Jesus like an honored dinner guest. I’m sure his thought process was like ours. We would anticipate holy credit for giving Jesus a prominent seat at our table.
The Pharisee didn’t get much credit though, in fact, he is put to shame by an unnamed sinful woman. This sinner’s response is the only authentic response to Jesus. Jesus deserves far more than a seat at our table, he deserves our tears, our humiliation, our total worship. You could put Jesus at the head of the most lavish king’s spread this world has ever seen and it would not be enough. Nothing will ever equal humble worship.
(Greetings from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Larry and I are on a trip with South Texas Children’s Home doing the Lord’s work in the Caribbean. We will be back with you next week.)
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Jesus deserved a humble worship and He expected it from the Pharisee but He did not see what He thought the Pharisee would treat him.
The unnamed woman did what Jesus considered humble worship to Jesus. It seems to me that Jesus criticized the host for his lack of courtesy and hospitality toward him.
From my perspective, Jesus should have been treated as a distinguished guest and deserved the most honorable form of hospitality, especially a hospitality toward a prophet!
I do think, through this story, Jesus revealed His expectations for those who follow Him. Treat your Lord and Savior with love, humility and total worship. I am convinced!