One Affects the Other

Re:Verse reading–Luke 7:36-50 (day five) The story of the Pharisee in Luke 7 starts off on a high note. He invites Jesus to eat at his house. This is gonna be a good night. Time with the savior, teaching from the Master, and the potential for life changing encounter. Yet, the great start quickly turns into a train wreck for the Pharisee. He has clearly missed it. Look at verse 39. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner.”
So, what happened? First and foremost, He didn’t understand who Jesus was. And in turn he couldn’t see the woman thru Jesus’ eyes. Interesting how one affects the other.

Before we have any hope or potential to see and love others as Jesus would want, we must acknowledge and understand at the deepest personal level who Jesus is and His love for the human race (begins with a sinner like me finding salvation and love- then translates into love for others that sees the potential power and change finding Christ can make).

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “One Affects the Other”

  1. We all can learn from the Pharisee’s story. We, humans, follow certain sets of standards and rules, society norms and cultural traditions. We judge people based on our own customs, traditions and beliefs and process our thoughts the way our society would accept. We are ignorant in seeing others’ perpectives, values and philosophy and in understanding the mission and motivation behind one’s actions. We think our way is the right way and we make all kinds of assumptions when others do not follow the same cultural norms, social norms and values. We treat people discriminatory based on our assumptions and prejudices.

    Jesus knew His mission to save the lost and the vulnerables. He focused on His mission and His assignment for salvation. He knew why He was on earth. The Pharisees’ culture may look down to the woman sinner based on her profession and consider her someone that a person with a higher and good social status should be distant. I am sure Jesus knew what the Pharisee thought of this woman sinner and about Him.

    The Pharisee defined Jesus based on Jesus’ acceptance of this woman sinner. He did not know who Jesus was. He judged Jesus based on his earthly standards; Jesus followed God’s will and standards in carrying out His mission.

    Right or wrong is in the eyes of the beholders. This story should remind us all that we should not allow for our customs, traditions, societal standards and personal perceptions limit what we should do to help others who may be very different from us in various walks of life and segments in our society. We should not judge people based on our limited knowledge and prejudiced frameworks. Examine our thoughts carefully to minimize unfair assumptions and prejudices.

    There is always a rationale for why people do as they do, did as they did. Instead of making all kinds of assumptions, why we don’t try to understand the rationale for their actions? The Pharisee did not know Jesus’ mission on earth apparently and that was why He expected Jesus to follow his Pharisean social norms and defined who Jesus was or was not!!!

    Jesus practiced inclusion; the Pharisee in this blog practiced exclusion. Which practice do you embrace for joy, peace, and harmony for all?

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