Re:Verse reading–Luke 3:1-20 (day five) What is an indicator of a repentant and forgiven heart? What evidence is there for a soul and life that claims to follow Christ and His Word? It has been the same throughout scripture. FRUIT. Look at John the Baptist’s words, “Therefore bear fruits in keeping with repentance“. In the Old Testament, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.” Jesus’ teaches later, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit”.
John the Baptist gives a good description (evidence) of what fruit looks like: love and kindness (vs. 11), honesty and integrity (vs. 13), respect/regard for authority, and contentment (vs. 14). Can we point to fruit in our lives of repentance and forgiveness?
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This may be the greatest and most accurate description of humility I have read, and the framework for mutual submission. Ever grateful for you, Scott.
Repentance is more than merely a change of mind, it is a change of action! It is always good to examine and to reflect what we have done that may be considered immoral, unethical, or evil acts, and change our course of actions to be in alignment with God’s standards for human beings and in alignment with God’s Word!
Love and kindness, honesty and integrity, respect/regard for authority, and contentment are fruits worthy of repentance. What other fruits worthy of repentance we may see as a result of change in mindsets and actions and turning to God? I can see that peace, joy, health, and happiness will come to us!
Repentance is about turning to God and about doing the things that will please Him! There are so many life benefits if we turn to Him. Change and go God’s way if we have committed immoral, unethical or evil acts toward others, intentionally or unintentionally. What can we do differently in order to please God? What can we do differently if our actions have brought bad or undesirable consequences to our lives? Fruits worthy of repentance are so many. We cannot go out to get them but we will receive when we repent!
We are accountable for our own actions, Godly or evil. The timing of rewards or punishment is up to God. He is the judge and is in total control of our lives. Pleasing God seems to be the right course of action. Turning to God is repentance. What is your definition of repentance? What fruits worthy of repentance are you “dying” to receive?
Merry Christmas to all of you!