Bold Servant

Re:Verse reading–Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-58, 8:1-5, 26-38 (day seven) 

We first run into Stephen and Philip in the paragraph preceding our text for today.  It is a famous passage, often used to describe the work of deacons, about the disciples deciding that they could not handle both preaching the Word of God and caring for hungry widows at the same time.  The disciples chose to set aside a group of seven men including Stephen and Philip to bring food to the overlooked widows.

Remarkably we never hear of Stephen and Philip serving food, but we hear they went out preaching the Word of God.  The Holy Spirit filled them up and they continued serving God by proclaiming Jesus wherever they went.  Stephen preaches in Jerusalem, Philip preaches in Samaria, and numbers increased greatly.

It makes you wonder if the overlooked women were ever fed.  Surely they were.  Surely the church worked diligently to care for this need.  The greater story is that Stephen and Philip were not content in quietly serving, no matter where they were or what they did they were going to speak the name of Jesus boldly.

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Author: Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Bold Servant”

  1. It seems to me Stephen and Philip set the precedent for the Preacher and the church. They established the culture, the structure, the role and responsibilities for the deacons and the disciples in serving Jesus’ mission.

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