Re:Verse reading–Acts 1:1-14 (day six)
“And gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised.”–v 4
Both Pastor Don and Aaron have written about waiting this week. I figured I would have a go too (no need to excuse the pun). Jesus told his disciples they must wait for what the Father had promised, the Holy Spirit. They had to wait because they had no power of their own to fulfill God’s eternal purpose, to be witnesses, to make disciples, or even to teach (Matthew 28:20).
We on the other hand have no need to wait. We can go. We must. Why? Because the Holy Spirit has already come. We don’t even have to guess what God wants us to do. He has told us and he given us His Spirit. Stop waiting. Go.
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This blog gives us a different perspective. You can trust God. No matter what is going on in our life. He knows what is in our heart. He knows what we are thinking. When we believe and trust in God, He is present and goes where we go.
There are times we cannot wait for God as decisions must be made. Having faith in God helps us move forward with confidence, knowing that God will be always with believers. This should comfort us, knowing that God will guide us along the way! I trust in God!
Love this verse, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.~~Joshua 1:9 NIV
How comforting it is to know that wherever we go, God is there with us. “Go” anyway as we are not “going” alone!