Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 12:4-13, 27-31 (day one)
“For even as the (human) body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the (human body), though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.”–v 12
It was, for many years, the official motto of the United States. (In 1956, Congress passed a resolution making, “In God We Trust” the official motto) Even so, this powerful Latin phrase stands on our national seal and currency. It means, “from many, one!”
It is wisdom learned from Christ and His church. If the church is the body of Christ (v 27), we are the means by which He continues to act in a physical world. He is the Head. He makes the decisions and plans. We carry them out.
We are a diverse group. Race. Ethnicity. Age. Background. Gifts. Social and Economic standing. But, by the work Spirit of God we have become One! One life. One Lord. One Destiny!
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I like this paragraph, “We are a diverse group. Race. Ethnicity. Age. Background. Gifts. Social and Economic standing. But, by the work Spirit of God we have become One! One life. One Lord. One Destiny!”
We are united as one to serve one Lord for one destiny. So powerful. Thanks Pastor Don.
Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA