Final exam

Re:Verse reading–Matthew 25:31-46 (day seven).

He is the prof who tells in advance what the final exam will be.  No mystery.  Only one question.  “Are you in right relationship to the Christ?”

Some people read this story and conclude that Jesus was teaching us to be charitable, and that charity, in and of itself, is a way to be saved.  I think they are mistaken.

“By grace through faith”, says the Scripture, declaring clearly the way of eternal life.  A careful reading of this story reveals that it is not so much the charity done (hungry fed, naked clothed etc.) as the relationship with Christ that these deeds indicated.  “I was hungry and you gave ME food” says the Lord.  Faith in Christ is the inward reality.  Charity is the outward expression.

Deeds, even charitable ones, can never substitute for faith.  They can, however, prove it is present with saving power.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

3 thoughts on “Final exam”

  1. Thanks for the blog. I always understand it is not charitable act as anyone, believers and non-believers, can engage and be generous in givings. Believers of Christ trust and have faith in Him. True believers love Christ and keep His commandments for His sake, to serve Him, to know Him, and to bring glory to His name. True believers believe Jesus their Savior!

    Good reminder of the difference between charity and faith! Thank you!

    Phuong Le Callaway, PhD, CA

  2. Pastor Don,

    I like one question. “Are you in right relationship to the Christ?” This is the question, we the believers, should ask ourselves. It is about faith and faith alone. It is about the love for the Lord, the relationship and the fellowship, not charity, not the work, not the volume. Thank you for the question. It is a great question for examining reality!

    Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA

  3. Fear God versus Fear Men can be an indicator for a good relationship with God in my view!

    Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA

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