
Re: Verse reading–Genesis 6 (day six)

“The Lord regretted that he had made humankind, and he was highly offended (or broken hearted.)” Genesis 6:6, NET

A sovereign God doesn’t regret in the same way we do (1 Samuel 15:28), as if he wished he had done something different in order to achieve a different outcome. God’s regret is an expression of his grief over the wickedness of man, not a stab at his sovereignty. That aside, consider His broken heart. What God now saw in humankind was no longer good, and the reality of humankind’s self-determination (and God’s judgement) was settling in; humankind was exponentially experiencing suffering and death. It was ugly; it was wicked, and God was brokenhearted. If you have children, you know the feeling.

God is not indifferent, and that is glorious! God is not indifferent to your sin either; he is brokenhearted, so much so He sent a cure for His broken heart (and yours), his very own Son.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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