Re: Verse reading–Mark 14:43-52; 15:1-15 (day five)
“Again He went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy”.
Isn’t scripture wonderful? Every time we read it, God has a new insight or principle for us to learn. Through the study of Mark, God has placed in my heart, the role of prayer (practice and priority) in a strong and vibrant faith. Mark begins his gospel with the example of Jesus praying in chapter one. Another 25 times throughout the book, Jesus models or encourages prayer.
What if Jesus’ frustration with His disciples in the garden wasn’t because He felt they had let Him down, but rather they should have been praying because of the testing and temptations that were coming their way? Jesus didn’t count on them for sentimental support. He had already turned to God for strength, wisdom, and courage. He was still aware and concerned for their faith in their upcoming spiritual and physical dangers. Mark clearly wants his readers to learn the lesson the disciples didn’t- the ability to stand firm in trials of our faith is found in prayer. The tensions and temptations are still very real for us. Will we learn and practice the prayer lessons found in the gospel of Mark?
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