Fruit bearing

Re: Verse reading–Mark 11:12-33 (day one)

Kurt Voss died last week.  He was 94.  For over 70 years he served the Lord as a member of FBCSA.  He was also a gifted metal worker.  An artisan.  An old-world craftsman.

When I came to First Baptist in 1996, Kurt offered to make a new pulpit. (The one we still use).  He suggested a vine and branches motif ( the same inspiration he used on the doors of the National Cathedral–a project completed a few years before.)

Sunday by Sunday, ever since, my pulpit preaches a silent and powerful message of its own.  “I am the vine.  You are the branches.  He who abides in Me and I in him will bear much fruit.”–John 15:5

This week I hope you will read Mark 11.  With one final warning for Israel, Jesus cursed a fig tree (a symbol of the nation) because it was “all leaves” (appearance) but “no fruit”.

His expectations were clear.  Still are.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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