Rare combination

Re: Verse reading–Mark 10: 32-45 (day seven)

Jesus was (is) a rare combination of two virtues.  Perfect symmetry.  He is both strong and soft.  Strong toward people and their opposition.  Soft toward God and people who needed His care.  “A velvet covered brick” said Howard Butt.  Mark says,  “they were amazed.”-v 32.  No wonder.

Strong–Once Jesus discerned the will of the Father, He moved toward it with determination.  Courageous.  Resolute.  A quality all leaders need.  “Be strong and courageous”, God tells young Joshua.(Joshua 1:6)

Surrendered–But, the ego strength that Jesus used to withstand the pressure of men was never turned against the Father.  He never pushed back or resisted.  Like soft clay, His surrendered heart yielded to the Father’s will.  “Submit therefore to God. . .He will lift you up”. (James 4:10)

Followers of Christ are called to be like Christ.  It is easy to do one OR the other.  The trick (miracle) is to be BOTH, and in the right situations.


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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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