Max Q

Re:Verse reading– Mark 6:1-13 (day five)

Ever heard of “Max Q”. It’s a term  from NASA describing the maximum amount of aerodynamic pressure required for atmospheric flight (stress while entering the atmosphere). All shuttles and ships are designed to perform and function effectively while in Max Q.

What about the disciples? They were experiencing social, theological, and political Max Q. Their assignment was specific and realistic (there would be hostility and opposition).  Wonder if they felt the stress and pressure? Wonder if they felt prepared or optimistic?  Wonder if they wanted to postpone or delay?  Wonder if they would rather “play it safe”?
The words of Donald English are challenging and appropriate, “We go for safety in the faith, while trying to follow a Lord who risked Himself in incarnation and all that followed it… Our plea that we need more training is met by the simple observation that the disciples needed more training- much more training; yet they were sent out, and were effective.”

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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