Re:Verse reading–Revelation 19:11-21, 20:1-10 (day seven)
“He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.”–19:12
It teaches humility. Requires it, actually. We “see through a glass, darkly”, said Paul as he reflected on this same reality. What we know of Christ, we know truly, but not completely.
It will still be true when the Lord comes. We will “see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). See His glory! Know His names, “Faithful and True, The Word of God, King of Kings”.
Even so, there will be a unsolved mystery. A depth and identity for the Son of God that no one can grasp. How could it be otherwise? An infinite God/Man must always be larger than our logic and understanding.
When He comes, we will marvel! We will praise and adore! But, even then, we will not fully understand. It will humble us and make us rejoice all the more in our sufficient and infinite Savior.
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