Re:Verse reading–Joshua 23; Joshua 24:14-15(day seven)
It surprise me. Moses chose a successor. Joshua didn’t. Wonder why?
He seems to have believed that Israel would stay united and prosperous as a loose confederation of tribes. So, after his last national address, Joshua “dismissed each to his inheritance”–24:28.
It did not go well. So long as the elders who survived Joshua lived and provided leadership, the nation served God. See 24:31. When they died, however, the nation began to drift. Badly. Written over the book of Judges is the epitaph, “There was no King in Israel, everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”–Judges 21:25.
To flourish, nations and families and churches and schools and businesses need leadership and every leader has the responsibility to identify and equip the next people who will provide it. “And the things you have heard from me. . .entrust to faithful men who will teach others also.”–2 Timothy 2:2.
Makes me wonder what Joshua was thinking.
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