Re:Verse reading–Joshua 23; Joshua 24:14-15 (day five)
The challenge and importance of “remembering” is communicated throughout the scriptures. [Moses Song (Exodus 32), Joshua’s farewell (Joshua 23), Paul’s words to the Ephesians (Acts 20), Jesus’ instruction to the disciples and believers at the Last Supper (Luke 22), the letter to the church in Ephesus (Revelation 2)] All of these leaders saw the danger and consequences of forgetting what God has done and promised.
What is it about the human heart that creates this spiritual amnesia? Why do we so easily forget? Maybe it is because we try to make our faith about subjective feelings rather than knowledge and understanding. Sometimes what we feel and think “in the now” overtakes what we know and have experienced with God and His ways.
Some implications of “forgetting”: attendance and desire to worship God on a weekly basis, regard and hunger for study and meditation on God’s Word, fellowship and accountability of biblical community, and the love and willingness to meet the material and spiritual needs of people. The stakes are high. REMEMBER!!
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