Re: Verse reading–Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20 (day two)
“And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it.” vs 2
There are so many action words in this narrative: earthquake, descended, rolled, fear, ran, and sat. I remember one Easter Sunday School class when we were studying this text a friend was amazed by the angel. With all that was happening and the confusion that an empty tomb surely caused, the angel was sitting as if to say, “I’m just waiting for you to catch up.” After all isn’t this what Jesus had been saying for some time? Surely a messenger of Heaven was aware of the plan, and must have been amused at observing the chaos from the comfort of sitting on the stone.
God can always be found in the midst of our chaos. Things not go as planned? Household falling apart? Job in jeopardy? Diagnosis grim? It doesn’t matter, Jesus is there patiently waiting for us to acknowledge his presence in the room. Before the chaos takes control of you, find him and rejoice that he lives.
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