Whom Do You Seek?

Re: Verse reading–John 20:10-31  (day two)
Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” vs. 15

Mary came to the tomb with a purpose. She had a job to do and although she was emotionally a wreck, the body of Jesus needed to be cared for. As she walked towards the tomb she undoubtedly recounted with each step the sights and sounds of the past week. She likely had an horrific image of Jesus dying in front of her eyes. But she also thought of the promises, the wonder, the beauty of this man that was now gone. None of that mattered now, she had a job to do. It’s what you do for those who have died. So focused was Mary that she almost missed the miracle. When the body was gone her fear blinded her to what was right before her.

The frightening thing about this passage, for me, is that each of us can be so hyper-intent on doing good or finishing a task that we can miss the miracle. So, I suppose, that’s the point. What are we really seeking? Do you expect the Savior in the unexpected places and circumstances? Are you willing to set aside all your plans, as well-intentioned as they may be, and seek Jesus? It didn’t take long for Mary, but take care that we don’t miss him when he calls our name.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Whom Do You Seek?”

  1. Ouch! I see myself here replaying this same type of scenario over again and again through the course of my life. Thanks for the reminder to seek the Lord and not allow the task or the emotions or anything to be a distraction from seeking Him with all of my heart and soul.

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