
Re: Verse reading–John 13:1-17; 31-38 (day three)

“He…began to wash his disciples’ feet.”  Jesus saw an opening to love them, and he took it.  It is possible that we’ve thought of Jesus as the author of object lessons, and that we have become dulled to recognizing love when we see it.  Jesus did not do this in order to teach his disciples a lesson, though it did accomplish that.  He did not do this in order to put them in a state of awe that the Lord would be so gracious as to stoop to such a lowly function, though it did strike them with wonder.  Jesus did this because he loved them.  Love is the way God lives.  Therefore, love is the only way to live the eternal kind of life.  At some point, we must stop theorizing and start living.  Jesus will teach us to live.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

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