Re: Verse reading–John 11:17-44 (day four)
There are many responses to Jesus. For those who have a relationship with Christ (Martha and Mary), the response was the same. “If you had only been here, our brother would not have died!” Trust. For those who mourned with the family (the Jews), some were moved by His obvious love for Lazarus and some criticized Him for not saving His friend. After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, some of the Jews believed in Him while others rushed to tell the Pharisees what Jesus had done. (Hint: They were not witnessing to the Pharisees so they could believe!) It is the same today…different people have different responses. How we respond to Jesus is of critical importance. For those who recognize who Jesus is (In verse 27, Martha says she has believed that Jesus was the Christ…sent from God.) and respond in faith and trust, they will have life. That was why Jesus waited to come to Bethany…That others might believe!
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