Re: Verse reading–Isaiah 6:1-8; Revelation 4:1-11 (day seven)
“Above Him were the seraphs. . . With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.” When Isaiah saw they Lord, he also saw seraphs. They are only mentioned once in Scripture. How they are different than cherubs and other angels is not indicated. The Hebrew word (seraphim) means “burning ones” indicating passion. They are “on fire” as they shout, “Holy, Holy, Holy”. Their presence convicts Isaiah. They shout, he has not. He also notices their humility. With two wings they cover their faces so as to not see God–humility of privilege. With two wings they cover their feet so as not to be seen–humility of ego. With two wings they flew to do the immediate bidding of the King–humility of will. Who among us would not have felt the contrast of our shallow, careless worship to that of these glorious and humble creatures?
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