It’s in There, He’s with Me!!

Re: Verse readingLuke 21:5-24 (day five)
Did you see it when you read this passage?  Did your heart grab hold of it when you read the promise?  Tucked inside this passage of immeasurable gloom and doom are words of comfort from the Lord Himself.  They are words that evidence a greater hope in the midst of destruction and confusion.  They are words that keep the human heart “centered” and “focused” on a kingdom that that will not be shaken or overcome.  It is a promise He makes over and over in the scriptures.  “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” Matthew 28:20, “Abide in me and I in you”, John 15:4.   “For I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.” Luke 21:15 (because I am with you, living inside you).

Does that promise bring you joy and peace in the midst of circumstances and tension?  Does it give you less cause to worry and stress over the future?  Does it give you the confidence and determination to live today for His Glory?

Perfect Peace

Re: Verse readingLuke 21:5-24 (day four)
Jesus is talking about end times.  He is giving the disciples some signs to watch for that will signal the end.  He forewarns that persecution will come.  Persecution will:  fulfill prophecy, signal the end times, lead to an opportunity for your testimony, and gain salvation by persevering through it.  All good, right!  Verse 16 says, “But you will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.”  Then Jesus says something peculiar…”Yet not a hair of your head will perish.” How can that be?  How can we be put to death and still not lose even a hair to death?  Jesus is giving us assurance of God’s perfect control over our lives.  There is more to our lives than our physical body.  We are assured of eternal life.  We need have no fear!  God is able to grant perfect peace, even in the face of unspeakable persecution.


Re: Verse reading – Luke 21:5-38 (day three)
“Not one stone will be left on another…”  Everything that comes from the way of men will be overturned.  The way of men is a way of impossibility, a way of limited resources, a way of temporary life, a way of fading riches.  As a building is demolished, so the way of man will meet the wrecking ball.  But we are not doomed: “I will give you words and wisdom; stand firm, and you will win life,” our Lord says (Luke 21:15, 19).  Nothing outside of that way of Jesus will survive.  Nothing.  But within that way, nothing will perish.

Yes, But When?

Re: Verse readingLuke 21:5-24 (day two)
“Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?  Certainly first-century human nature still resonates 20 centuries later.  If we are to endure hardship, we generally want to know when it’s coming.  Makes sense, doesn’t it?  How much time do we have to prepare? What do I have to do immediately?  But Jesus knows our nature better than we do.  He also knew/knows that if we were given a time and place we would also squander opportunities to love and serve.  Dave Ramsey has a slogan in his Financial Peace University that says “Live like no one else so one day you can LIVE like no one else.”  This is good financial stewardship, but it also make sense for how we govern our lives.  We shouldn’t live with the fear of imminent doom, but with the joy that one day Christ will restore and redeem.

The End

Re: Verse readingLuke 21:5-24 (day one)
“The time when come when not one stone (of the temple in Jerusalem) will be left upon another.”  (v 6)  Jesus saw it coming.  Judged by their stubborn rejection of Spiritual truth, Israel would soon be gone.  “All good things must come to an end.”  So says the old proverb.  The Bible affirms the same truth.  We tend to think of nations and families as quasi-permanent.  Hard to imagine a world without America in it, isn’t it?  The scripture shouts a different truth.  Things come to an end.  People.  Churches.  Families.  Careers.  Nations.  And those who have placed their identity and/or confidence in these temporary things are shattered with the fall.  “A voice says , ‘Call out.’  Then he answered, ‘What shall I call out?’  All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. . .the grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of the Lord lasts forever.”  (Isaiah 40:6-8)

Ears To Hear

Re: Verse readingLuke 20:1-8, 20-26 (day seven)
“John’s baptism, was it from heaven or from men?” (v 4)  The Greek word for obedience is a combination of two ideas.  The literal translation is “to hear under”.  Essential step for anyone who hungers for LIFE.  Two questions.  1) Am I listening to God?  2) Am I under His authority? (will I actually do what He says?)  When the chief Priests came to Christ with questions, He challenged them at this point.  “How can you ask for more information, greater clarification, when you have not demonstrated a surrendered heart?”  His specific challenge was the call that came from God, through John, for Israel to be baptized.  They had, in the main, resisted.  Real problem.  None of us is welcome to come to God to have our curiosity satisfied.  Those who surrender get their questions answered.  Those who resist are pointed back to an earlier lesson.  He will speak, but only when we have ears to hear.

Not Naive

Re: Verse readingLuke 20:1-8, 20-26 (day six)
“But he detected their trickery and said to them. . .”  (v 23)  I can be naïve, sometimes.  Lulled to sleep.  Defenses down, unprepared for imminent danger.  Jesus wasn’t.  Without being paranoid or suspicious, the Savior was always on alert for the next attack of the enemy.  A life-long lesson for him.  He began life with his family fleeing for safety as soldiers searched to kill Him.  He entered ministry being tempted in the wilderness.  “Get thee behind me, Satan!” He said to Peter in a tense moment.  No wonder He stayed on guard!  “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places,” said Paul.  (Ephesians 6:12)  “We are not ignorant of his (Satan’s) schemes.”  (2 Corinthians 2:11)  I forget, sometimes, how hostile the world is to faith.  How real the enemy is.  Jesus never did.