Re: Verse reading – Jeremiah 1 (day four)
Jeremiah was called to speak God’s Words. Judah had become completely disoriented to God and it was Jeremiah’s responsibility to speak God’s truth into his nation. It was not Jeremiah’s responsibility to figure out what to say…God promised in verse 9 that He would put His words into Jeremiah’s mouth. What a wonderful promise! Later in this chapter (verses 17-19), God reaffirms that He will deliver Jeremiah when the nation fights against him. Jesus faced the very same opposition to His message…sometimes from the religious leaders, sometimes from family, and sometimes from His disciples. At the Mount of Transfiguration, the disciples were disoriented to God’s plan and God spoke from heaven. (Matthew 17:5). “Listen to Him!” God was reorienting them to Him. Jeremiah and Jesus would speak in order to bring people back to God’s perspective. The people did not always listen, but that was not the preacher’s responsibility either. We, too, must be obedient to speak truth… God will give the words and be our protection.
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