RE Verse reading–1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:1-11 (day seven)
“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you.” (v 4:12) I don’t know why I am surprised, but I am. When my days feel dark and difficult. When things “don’t work”. When prayer is hard and critics are many. Perhaps I should have listened more carefully. “If they hated me, they will hate you”–Jesus. “Through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God”–Paul. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the powers. . .against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places”–Paul (again) To follow Christ is a difficult, dangerous path. Those who do so must expect both blessing from God and opposition from the world. It is a strange way to save the world, I admit, but if (and when) life is hard, we should not be surprised.
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