Re: Verse reading–Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:1-10 (day two)
I am not a huge fan of reality TV, but I will confess there a few shows that I have seen that I would perhaps consider watching more than once. Have you seen “Undercover Boss”? This is the show where the CEO of a company goes around the country to different franchises dressed incognito so that he/she can get a better picture of what it is like to work the line, to handle the merchandise, to talk with employees and customers. The boss gains a great deal of insight into his employees’ needs. This servant/leader model creates a new appreciation for corporate head side to empathize with the human element.
The writer of Hebrews tells us that we have a Savior who was an “Undercover Messiah” for 30 years. Isn’t that incredible? Think of it, for 30 years he walked and talked with us, ate, worked, learned all so that He could say to us; “I understand”. Then after he revealed himself, he took the ultimate step, he suffered and died…all for us.
When I need counsel, I am always comforted to know someone else has walked this journey and understands my pain. Jesus opens his arms every day as we take our lives to him and he says, “I understand, I’ve been there too, and with my help you’ll make it through this.”
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