Ending well

Re: Verse reading–Judges 16 (day six)
“So those he (Samson) killed at his death were more than he killed during his life.” (v 30)  Think about it.  It is possible that the last chapter of life can be the greatest chapter of all.  Even for those who have drifted away from God, wasting years in foolish friendship with the world.  It is possible to return to God and to great spiritual usefulness.  Think Samson.  Publically shamed and physically maimed, it would have been easy for him to collapse into depression and defeat.  He didn’t.  Somehow in the darkness, he “saw” that God’s calling and gifts are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).  So, he believed/hoped/prayed that God would forgive and restore him to useful service.  May the Lord give us equal insight.  Prodigal is not the most important word.  Son is.  None of us have gone so far that the Lord will not hear our prayer of repentance.  It is still possible to end well.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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