RE Verse reading–Mark 1:1-11 (Day Five)
In the beginning of the Gospel of Mark, we meet John the Baptist. John the Baptizer understood his role in the Kingdom of God. It was to “prepare the way”. The required daily activities were preaching and baptizing. He did them with passion and faithfulness.
It’s a worthy question to ask. “What is my role in the kingdom of God?” Will it be in: What I say? What I do? Where I go? How I think? We should all ask these kinds of questions frequently. As a spouse or future spouse, as a parent, as a boss or employee, as a student, as a citizen, or as a friend, “How could I contribute to the Kingdom of God?” That God would want to use our talents, time, and tasks to help grow His Kingdom is an amazing thought. That our actions and attitudes could have an eternal influence is great perspective to regularly consider.
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